Most Popular Titles with Adolf Hitler at IMDb: the exceptions by End Time Prophet Guido Knopp
Last Prophet previously explained the FIRST reason WHY a mock list with 186 titles [1], engineered by the Illuminati Grand Master, is paradoxically THE most important of any "Most Popular List of Films" at IMDB.
Nothing illustrates better how important is the real History of Hitler and the III Reich than that FIRST reason [see BASICS].
The second reason is "coincidentally" again an End Times Paradox:
Almost all 186 "Most Popular Titles with Adolf Hitler" are either mockery or covert to explicit nazi propaganda.
But the few exceptions are almost all produced by Guido Knopp, the End Times Prophet who prevented the illuminati from already having completely rewritten the real History of the III Reich.[2].
Titles that are NOT illuminati propaganda or mockery - the first exception
The first of those exceptions is NOT the SECOND result REALLY related to Hitler: #16, Holocaust.
"Coincidentally" the one word that reduces the VERY FIRST result REALLY related to Hitler, that "coincidentally" shows the face of the man who now rules almost the entire world, Alexander Adolf Hitler.
The exceptions
The first exception appears in page 2: 61. Hitler's Generals (1996), released in Germany's ZDF TV channel as "Hitlers Helfer", those who assisted Hitler.
The list of exceptions is completed with:
- also in page 2: 73. History (2000–2013); 99. Hitler: A Profile (1995)
- in page 3: 111. Hitler's Holocaust (2000); 112. 100 Jahre - Der Countdown (1999); 122. Hitlers Krieger (1998); 127. Höllenfahrten (1998);
132. Weltenbrand (2012); 136. Geheimnisse des 'Dritten Reichs' (2011).
- finally in page 4: 151. Geheimnisse des Zweiten Weltkriegs.
[1] "Most Popular Titles with Adolf Hitler" at IMDB - The four pages, archived as of Feb 24, 2014
[2] None of these films or series by Guido Knopp appears in IMDB:
a) Hitler has either the leading or a secondary role:
1986: Das Urteil von Nürnberg
1986: Der schöne Schein – Olympia ’36 (G.F. Knopp/P.C. Schmidt); Erstausstrahlung 27. Juli 1986
1989: Die Saat des Krieges – Hitlers Angriff auf Europa (mit Harald Schott) Erstausstrahlung: 20./24. August 1989
1991: Der verdammte Krieg – Das Unternehmen Barbarossa; 6-tlg. (Guido Knopp/Valerij Korsin/Anatolij Nikiforow/Harald Schott)
1993: Der verdammte Krieg – Entscheidung Stalingrad; 5-tlg. (Eine der ersten Sendungen, die als VHS zum Kauf angeboten wurde)
1994: Befreiung – Frankreich nach dem „längsten Tag“
1995: Das Ende 1945
2000: Hitlers Kinder; 5-tlg.
2002: Die SS – Eine Warnung der Geschichte; 6-tlg.
2003: Stalingrad; 3-tlg.; – Der Angriff; – Der Kessel; – Der Untergang
2003: Stalin
2003: Der Aufstand
2004: Die Befreiung
2004: Sie wollten Hitler töten
2004: Die letzte Schlacht
2004: Hitlers Manager; 5-tlg.
2005: Die Gefangenen; 5-tlg.
2005: Der Sturm; 4-tlg.
2005: Das Drama von Dresden
2007: Die Wehrmacht
2009: Stauffenberg – Die wahre Geschichte
2009: Die Machtergreifung
b) Hitler has either the leading or a secondary role in one or more episodes of these series:
1984: Damals – vor 40 Jahren; Sendereihe bis 2000
1991: Bilder, die Geschichte machten; 20-tlg.; Bis 1992
1994: Die großen Fotos des Jahrhunderts
1998: Unser Jahrhundert – Deutsche Schicksalstage; 16-tlg.
The first reason why "Most Popular Titles with Adolf Hitler" is THE most important of any "Most Popular List of Films" at IMDB
To get how the illuminati censored the Truth as it took place, start by how they do it NOW.
To what lengths US / EU governments go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz concentration camps and Holocaust: Guido Knopp milestone series from 2000 NEVER again broadcasted and beyond
Talk of the illuminati reaction to Hitler's Generals, 13 years later:
Heinrich Himmler: SS commander's tomb in ORIGINAL script's crypt under a swastika on the roof - exposed worldwide first by
Guido Knopp, one of the Prophets of End Time